We love a before and after. Out­stand­ing square metre rates achieved for the lease bro­kered by our direc­tor Kather­ine Dean, fol­lowed by a stun­ning trans­for­ma­tion of 120 Gertrude Street by fab­u­lous ten­ant Friends With Frank; expert­ly man­aged fitout process by the team at Miglic Dean. Fitout includ­ed removal of dropped ceil­ing to reveal beau­ti­ful her­itage win­dow, full exter­nal and inter­nal refur­bish­ment, remod­el of lay­out to max­imise the retail expe­ri­ence. Check out our social media for the full before and after @miglic_dean. Find­ing amaz­ing ten­ants for prop­er­ties — it’s what we do!!

For more infor­ma­tion con­tact our direc­tor Kather­ine Dean